Voices For Japan: Jessica Straus

This week, Jessica Straus makes her return to the podcast to discuss her reaction to the current situation in Japan, her appearance on the Anime Fans Give Back to Japan 24 hour event, and to also share a powerful story involving her family in World War II era Japan.


Anime Fans Give Back to Japan:



The American Red Cross:



Jessica’s original interview on AFGBTJ:



The Anguish of Surrender by Ulrich Straus (Amazon):




Jessica would like me to mention that her Uncle’s book was used in a US Congress debate about POW torture, as an example of how treating prisoners of war in a humane and kind way can be highly beneficial, as opposed to using torture and unkind methods. The book is a historical account at World War II’s end, via interviews with Japanese POWs proving that peaceful and ethical treatment of POWs can produce a coming together of cultures, and have positive impact and shift after the hardships of war.

Given that both the site and podcast regularly delve into Japanese culture, it’s not a stretch to say that we personally owe a debt to those who chose to see past the political and sociological differences of the time between Japan and the United States.  The book is an incredible read in and of itself, but as Jessica so astutely points out, it also contains a message that is as applicable today as it was when it was first written.

About The Busboy

The Busboy (a.k.a. John Robbins) is best known for being a regular co-host on the Chainsaw Buffet podcast. Aside from his work for the site, John is an avid fighting game player with a current competitive focus on Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. You can follow him on Twitter at "@_JohnnyFive".