Times, They Are A-Changin’

Chad, Charlie, Dylan, and John discuss an e-mail from former guest Jessica Straus and talk about River City Rampage, whether or not the PlayStation Vita is a worthwhile purchase, the series finale of Burn Notice, and make some announcements about changes to the show’s format.



Jessica Straus’ "Voices for Japan" interview: http://www.chainsawbuffet.com/articles/VFJEpisode6/

River City Rampage Kickstarter Page: http://www.kickstarter.com/projects/combitstudios/river-city-ransom-underground



Chad: The Legend of Korra

Charlie: Basil from OSMcast!  (Twitter, Facebook, Google+), Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 (Hardcore Richochet Domination)

Dylan: Drunk History

John: "Sour Love" by The Slants


About The Busboy

The Busboy (a.k.a. John Robbins) is best known for being a regular co-host on the Chainsaw Buffet podcast. Aside from his work for the site, John is an avid fighting game player with a current competitive focus on Ultimate Marvel vs Capcom 3. You can follow him on Twitter at "@_JohnnyFive".